This is very important as I have had to eat today...
- 1 cup of hot chocolate
- 2 pretzel sticks, size small
- 4 different kinds of vegetables
- 1 roll with butter
- 1 diabetic pudding
- and I found 4 granola bars in my bag when I got to work which will be eaten soon
That is hardly enough to sustain a person through a 17 hour day. So the people that I called? Three people didn't answer their phone and the other two were on their way to appointments that were.... just kind of... important. One was able to stop by the cafe but there wasn't anything that could be picked up in a hurry.
So I will eat my granola bars and once I'm out of work at 9 I'll go "home" and make myself a big steaming bowl of Raman!... Yay.